
Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Dear Parents,

I'm so happy that more parents are coming to the library.  Please help Maytree Library to look after all of our nice new books that we now have in stock.

Please tell a member of staff  if you find any books which may have been accidentally ripped.

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Maytree Music

Maytree Christmas Choir.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Book Review Winners

Congratulations to these two children for winning this month's Book Review : Raihan Year 1 &  Zahra Fatima  Year 2

Congratulations also to both  Aquib  & Abdul Azim  in getting their  Reading Award.

There are book prizes every month for the best book review, so, get your book review sheet from Mrs. Akhamrich in the library -  start writing.

Don't forget to think of a name for our Library Mascot -  this competition closes on the 19th January. Pick up a competition sheet from the Library Notice Board.