Here's Maytree's winning entry from our Rumble-Tum! colouring competition – submitted by Ruqayya Ayub Ali aged 4. Ruqayya won top prize: all the food, drinks and party bags for her birthday party on 10th December, including the cake!
Here’s why the illustrator chose Ruqayya’s picture: “I love the way the clouds look like sheep racing through the sky. I love how each of the characters in the picture looks like he or she is fizzing with energy, like they've just eaten a wonderful meal. I love the happiness and joy in the choice of colours, and the way they go together so well. Well done, Ruqayya.”
The children in Nursery learnt some dance moves and shared some of their own during our week celebrating Diwali. On Friday we had a Diwali party and our Mummys and Daddys came in to watch us sing songs with our divas and celebrate all the lovely learning we had been doing at home. Thankyou Mummys and Daddys.